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COPY [-R] [-S] source1 [source2] ... [destination]

* COPY copies all source files or files in the source directories to the
  destination directory. If the destination directory does not exist, it
  will be created. If no destination is given (in this case you can specify
  only one source file/dir ofcourse), the current directory will be taken.
* You can use  wild cards  to specify files.
* The filedate, filecomment and protection-bits are copied with it.
* With  Option -R  given, subdirectories and the files and
  directories in there are also copied (recursive copying).
  If you have the  ALL FLAG  set, you can use ALL as last
  argument instead of -R.
* With  Option -S  given, it sorts. But who needs that ?

Note 1: Copying will be done in 50KBytes blocks. This should be a good
  value. You can change it with  CONFIG COPYSIZE .
Note 2: You can use  option  ALL instead of -R .

eg.     copy c:dir df1:c
        copy dir list type cd df1:c
        copy -r df0:devs df1:devs
        copy -r source:*.s ram:
        copy df0: df1:          {only copy the files in df0: to df1:}

* You can also copy a file to a file. This is like copying to a dir and
  then renaming. Date, comment and bits are not copyied with it.
eg      copy df0:fred ram:wilma
  With that you can print a file etc.
eg.     copy file PRT:
        copy CON: barney